A standard proof of this result uses the fact that a unitary transformation on an inner product of states must have norm one or zero. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this result that asserts that no unitary time-evolution operator can generate an arbitrary separable quantum state. This result implies that arbitrary quantum states cannot also be “teleported” or “broadcasted.”
ANSWER: no-cloning theorem [reject “no-clone theorem”]
[10e] The no-cloning theorem does not preclude states with this property, such as in teleportation that is [this property]-assisted. The EPR paradox concerns states with this property that are correlated despite being separated.
ANSWER: quantum entanglement [accept word forms like entangled]
[10h] The extent to which entangled states can “bypass” the no-cloning theorem is limited by this property, which bounds the degree of entanglement between multiple states. The CKW inequality governs this property.
ANSWER: monogamy [accept word forms like monogamous]
<MY, Physics>