This genus contains a bacterium sometimes spread by armadillos, which can invade Schwann cells and lead to severe nerve damage. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this genus of bacteria. A species of bacteria in this genus attacks macrophages after entering the lungs, forming granulomas and causing infected patients to cough up blood.
ANSWER: Mycobacterium [or Mycobacteria; accept Mycobacterium leprae; accept Mycobacterium tuberculosis]
[10e] Mycobacteria such as those that cause tuberculosis are often identified by an “acid-fast” form of this technique. This technique applies dyes to specimens to make them more visible under a microscope.
ANSWER: staining [or word forms; accept acid-fast staining or Ziehl–Neelsen staining]
[10h] The presence of phenol in this dye allows it to penetrate the lipid-rich walls of Mycobacteria, making it the primary stain used in the acid-fast stain. This dye is also sometimes used instead of safranin as a counterstain in Gram staining.
ANSWER: carbol fuchsin [or carbolfuchsin; or Castellani’s paint; accept basic fuchsine]
<Virginia Tech A, Biology>