Melissa Butler argued that this philosopher was a proto-feminist by citing a letter to Mary Clarke in which he claimed to find “no difference of sex in [the] mind.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this philosopher whose letters to Clarke and her husband grew into a book urging harsh conditions for children, titled Some Thoughts Concerning Education.
ANSWER: John Locke
[10e] Locke patronized Catharine Trotter Cockburn and praised her influential “Defence” of his “Essay Concerning” this two-word subject. It also partly titles an “Enquiry” by David Hume.
ANSWER: human understanding [accept An Essay Concerning Human Understanding or An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding]
[10h] Jonathan Edwards mocked Locke as the “governor of the seraglio at Oates” after his correspondence with this philosopher led him to move in with her family. This author of A Discourse Concerning the Love of God was the daughter of a philosopher who theorized the world’s “plastic nature.”
ANSWER: Damaris Masham [or Damaris Cudworth Masham; or Damaris Cudworth; or Lady Masham] (Her father was Ralph Cudworth.)
<TM, Philosophy>