Religious leaders in this location inherit a pair of brass knives, a brass bell, and brass cups and disks representing a set of mythical triplets. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this geographic location where those religious leaders, known as shimbang, memorize and recite narratives of gods known as bon-puri.
ANSWER: Jeju Island [or Jejudo; prompt on Korea or Korean Peninsula]
[10e] Those Jejudo practices belong to a broad religious tradition of Korea centered on mu, who are often compared to these people. This generic term is used for religious figures who enter trances to contact the spirit world.
ANSWER: shamans [accept shamanism; accept mediums; prompt on psychics or seers]
[10m] Jejudo tradition venerates Munshin as the primary god of this domain, which musok traditions believe is protected by Gashin deities. Before the New Year, honey is often smeared on the lips of an effigy of a different god of this domain.
ANSWER: household [or houses or homes; accept specific places or rooms in houses like kitchens; accept doors to the house; accept Kitchen God]
<AK, Religion>