At a battle off the Paxi Islands, these people used a formation in which four ships were lashed together in order to entangle and capture their opponents. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name these people whose power expanded under the rule of Agron and Teuta of the Ardiaei (“AR-dee-eye”) kingdom.
ANSWER: Illyrians [or Illyrioi or Illyrii; prompt on Ardiaei until read]
[10h] During the First Illyrian War, this person surrendered Corcyra (“COR-kih-ruh”) to the Romans out of fear of punishment from Queen Teuta, later being installed as a client ruler. Polybius contrasted this person’s advice to Philip V of Macedon with that of Aratus of Sicyon (“SICK-ee-on”).
ANSWER: Demetrius of Pharos [prompt on Demetrius; reject “Demetrius Phalereus” or “Demetrius of Phaleron”]
[10e] The fortifications at Pharos were destroyed after Demetrius later reneged on his alliance with Rome, not long before the latter became distracted with the outbreak of this war against the Hannibal-led Carthage.
ANSWER: Second Punic War [prompt on Punic Wars]
<AT, Other History>