This process is divided into “streaming” and “collision” terms in lattice Boltzmann methods, which may also account for thermodynamic effects. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this process described by the Navier–Stokes equations. Particles undergoing this process follow streamlines over time.
ANSWER: fluid flow [or equivalents such as fluid motion or fluid movement; accept fluid dynamics or fluid simulation]
[10h] Two answers required. These two descriptions of fluid flow correspond to “mesh” and “meshfree” simulations. One of these descriptions is fixed in space while the other follows the movement of the fluid over time.
ANSWER: Lagrangian AND Eulerian descriptions
[10m] The Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions are connected by the fluid’s material derivative, which is sometimes named for this phenomenon. Bénard cells exhibit this phenomenon that occurs when the Grashof number is much larger than the Reynolds number.
ANSWER: convection [accept convective derivative]
<MY, Physics>