Answer the following about lamps in Ancient Greek philosophy, for 10 points each.
[10m] This philosopher likened the eye to a lamp lit by Aphrodite in his emission theory of vision. This philosopher introduced the four classical elements and claimed that they are mediated via the opposing forces of Love and Strife.
ANSWER: Empedocles of Acragas
[10h] In this text, a philosopher chooses calm over anger when his iron lamp is stolen. This conversational text discusses a form of volition called “prohairesis” and was the primary source for a shorter “Handbook,” or “Manual.”
ANSWER: Discourses of Epictetus [or Diatribai] (The “Handbook” is the Enchiridion, also compiled by Arrian.)
[10e] James F. Thomson’s lamp puzzle, in which a lamp is flicked on and off at intervals of shrinking duration, was inspired by this philosopher’s many paradoxes of motion, including one about Achilles and a tortoise.
ANSWER: Zeno of Elea
<Brown, Philosophy>