
This concept’s development involves moving away from the pleasure principle and towards the reality principle in governing its actions. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this concept in Freudian psychology that mediates conflict between reality, the id, and a concept with the prefix “super-.”
ANSWER: ego [or ich]
[10m] In The Ego and the Id, Freud used one of these animals to introduce the ego-id relationship. Wilhelm von Osten did not actually teach a “Clever” one of these animals to spell, instead prompting it with body language.
ANSWER: horses [or stallions]
[10h] A Freud essay titled for this trait introduced the “ego ideal,” a person’s image of what they want to become. A test for this trait was devised by Raskin and Hall.
ANSWER: narcissism [or On Narcissism]
<Rutgers A, Social Science>

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Upstate NY2025-02-01Y320.00100%100%0%


UC Berkeley BClaremont B1010020
UC Berkeley AUCLA10101030
Claremont AUCSD1010020
Florida AFlorida State A1010020
Valencia AFlorida B100010
UCF CUCF B10101030
Case Western BCarnegie Mellon B100010
Michigan BKenyon100010
Michigan AMichigan D10101030
Michigan StateCarnegie Mellon A1010020
Ohio State AMichigan C10101030
Ohio State BCase Western A100010
Illinois AWashU A1010020
WashU BIllinois B1010020
Chicago CIndiana A100010
Indiana BChicago D100010
Chicago BMissoui S&T1010020
Chicago AMissouri10101030
Winona StateIowa State1010020
Minnesota BWisconsin B100010
Wisconsin ACarleton100010
Harvard BBU1010020
Brandeis ABrandeis B1010020
Dartmouth AUMass Boston1010020
Tufts AHarvard A1010020
MIT ABrown A1010020
Northwestern AGeorgetown A100010
Notre Dame BGeorgetown B100010
Notre Dame AIowa100010
Stanford BNorthwestern B10101030
Notre Dame CPurdue1001020
TAMUTexas B10101030
Georgia Tech ABruin A100010
Georgia Tech BAlabama A10101030
Tennessee AGeorgia Tech C1001020
Georgia Tech DVanderbilt A1010020
BristolImperial B10101030
Cambridge AImperial A1010020
Cambridge BOxford C1010020
Cambridge DOxford A100010
Warwick ANYU C10101030
Oxford BCambridge C1010020
SheffieldWarwick B10101030
Southampton ALSE1010020
Cambridge ESouthampton B10101030
Texas AASU10101030
Cornell BVassar A1010020
Johns Hopkins AColumbia C10101030
Maryland AHaverford B1010020
Maryland BNYU A10101030
NYU BHaverford A1001020
Penn AJohn Jay College1010020
Yale AGeorge Washington A0101020
Binghamton ARIT B1010020
Cornell DESF A1010020
Cornell CRIT A1010020
Columbia BGeorge Washington B1010020