Answer the following about depictions of the stages of life in Northern European art, for 10 points each.
[10e] This painter depicted people ranging from a young girl to an old woman in both Four Stages of Life and The Dance of Life. This artist also painted The Frieze of Life and The Scream.
ANSWER: Edvard Munch
[10h] Stages ranging from childhood to old age are represented abstractly in this artist’s series The Ten Largest. This Theosophist and member of The Five was inspired by a séance to start the massive series Paintings for the Temple.
ANSWER: Hilma af Klint [reject “Klimt”]
[10m] Caspar David Friedrich’s The Stages of Life represents its title subject via five of these objects in the distance. A man in red and an angel in white use one of these objects in a Thomas Cole series allegorizing the stages of life.
ANSWER: boats [or ships] (Thomas Cole’s series is The Voyage of Life.)
<Maryland B, Painting and Sculpture>