Joe Tumulty defended this woman as a “devoted helpmate,” a position she defended in her book My Memoir recounting her “stewardship.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this first lady who demanded British ambassador Edward Grey fire an aide for an inappropriate comment. She censored Thomas Marshall to protect the interests of her infirm husband.
ANSWER: Edith Wilson [or Edith Galt; or Edith Bolling; prompt on Wilson or Woodrow Wilson’s wife]
[10e] Edith Wilson traveled with her husband Woodrow before his stroke to visit troops and sign this treaty that ended World War I.
ANSWER: Treaty of Versailles
[10h] Edith Wilson pushed for removing this Secretary of State because he held meetings without her or her husband present. This Secretary of State took over the role after his predecessor resigned after the sinking of the Lusitania.
ANSWER: Robert Lansing (His predecessor was William Jennings Bryan.)
<NS, American History>