A reform movement in a branch of this school that promoted “practical learning” over rigid social structures was called Silhak. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this school of thought whose Korean offshoot included the philosophers Toegye (“TWEG-yeh”) and Yulgok. The teachings of this school’s founder are collected in the Analects.
ANSWER: Confucianism [or Rújiā; or Ruism; accept Korean Confucianism or Neo-Confucianism]
[10h] The Four-Seven debate in Korean Confucianism concerned whether the Seven Emotions were as vital as these four entities. Mencius used this term for the human tendencies toward righteousness, justice, propriety, and wisdom.
ANSWER: sprouts [or seeds; or shoots; or siduan; prompt on principles or beginnings]
[10m] The crux of the Four-Seven debate concerned whether this “governing order” was interdependent with qi. In Confucianism, this Chinese word means the virtue of “ritual propriety” and is often grouped with ren and yi.
<TM, Philosophy>