Answer the following about TV characters who demonstrate a comical ignorance regarding the prices of basic grocery items, for 10 points each.
[10m] Lucille, a member of this family, asks her son Michael “what could it cost? Ten dollars?” when discussing the price of bananas, despite the fact that this family owns a banana stand.
ANSWER: Bluth family [or the Bluths; accept Lucille Bluth or Michael Bluth] (They are the protagonists of Arrested Development.)
[10e] On this show, Jack Donaghy estimates that a typical family pays “90 dollars a gallon” for milk. Tina Fey played sketch comedy writer Liz Lemon on this sitcom titled for NBC’s headquarters.
ANSWER: 30 Rock
[10h] On another show, one of these two characters fails to answer the other’s question about the cost of milk, since only “kittens and perverts” drink milk. One of these two characters accidentally texts a picture of his genitals to the other and has a panic attack while giving the other’s eulogy. Name both.
ANSWER: Roman Roy AND Logan Roy [accept Romulus Roy in place of “Roman”; prompt on the Roys] (from Succession)
<TM, Pop Culture>