In an essay that discusses a cult of “action for action’s sake,” the author recalls receiving a childhood award for a speech about this person before being disappointed by this person’s own speech. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this person opposed by a compatriot who wrote The Essence of Aesthetic. “Fundamental Ideas,” the first section of an essay by this person, was ghostwritten by the theorizer of “actual idealism.”
ANSWER: Benito Mussolini (The two philosophers mentioned are Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile.)
[10e] Umberto Eco criticized Mussolini’s supporters in an essay titled for an “Ur” form of this political ideology, whose name Mussolini coined in reference to a Roman symbol of an axe in a bundle of sticks.
ANSWER: fascism [or fascismo; accept fascist; accept “Ur-Fascism”]
[10m] Mussolini persecuted the author of this text that includes the essay “Americanism and Fordism.” This text proposes that the ruling class undertakes a “passive revolution” for its preservation and wields cultural hegemony.
ANSWER: Prison Notebooks [or Quaderni del carcere] (by Antonio Gramsci)
<McMaster, Philosophy>