The Danish artist Caius Gabriel Cibber sculpted two grotesque humanlike figures for display in this place, where James Tilly Matthews made illustrations of a machine called the “Air Loom.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this place where Richard Dadd painted The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke and Louis Wain made many cat paintings after leaving Springfield. In another artwork, Sarah Young consoles a man in a loincloth in this place.
ANSWER: Bedlam [or Bethlem Royal Hospital; or St Mary Bethlehem; or Bethlehem Hospital; prompt on mental hospital or psychiatric hospital or mental asylum or madhouse]
[10e] Tom Rakewell ends up at the Bethlem Royal Hospital in the last entry in A Rake’s Progress, a series by this British artist of Marriage A-la-Mode.
ANSWER: William Hogarth
[10m] The Bethlem Museum of the Mind houses works by former patients in this genre, defined as art by self-taught people not in the art world. Roger Cardinal coined the term for this genre as an analog of Jean Dubuffet’s art brut.
ANSWER: outsider art [reject “naïve art” or “raw art”]
<Michigan B, Painting and Sculpture>