This word opens the titles of all four woodcuts in the series Meltdown, which reduce famous artworks into 4-by-3 pixel grids. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this word that appears first in the title of a 1981 “rephotography” series by a member of the Pictures Generation. That series titled for this word includes an image of the sharecropper’s wife Allie Mae Burroughs.
ANSWER: after [accept After Walker Evans]
[10e] Sherrie Levine’s series After Walker Evans rephotographs Evans’s images from this period, during which Dorothea Lange shot Migrant Mother.
ANSWER: Great Depression [accept Dust Bowl]
[10m] Levine added the subtitle “Buddha” in a bronze feminist reproduction of this artwork, which may have been created by Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Alfred Stieglitz photographed this artwork for the journal The Blind Man.
ANSWER: Fountain (by Marcel Duchamp)
<TM, Painting and Sculpture>