Note to moderator: Read answerline carefully. Paul Dirac created a method for this process that tangentially injects a mixture of hydrogen and another reactant at the speed of sound into a vortex tube. Lasers with wavelengths around 16 micrometers are used to excite molecules for this process and facilitate the dissociation of a fluoride ion in SILEX procedures. SWUs are units that quantify the effectiveness of this process. Ernest Lawrence invented the (*) calutron at the Y-12 plant to perform an electromagnetic form of this process. A compound commonly called “hex” is forced through a semi-permeable membrane in one technique for this process. “Zippe-type” devices used for this process have rendered gaseous diffusion obsolete. For 10 points, name this process that may use gas centrifugation to increase the relative amount of an element’s 235 isotope in natural samples. ■END■
ANSWER: uranium enrichment [accept uranium isotope separation or molecular laser isotope separation of uranium or atomic vapor laser isotope separation of uranium; accept separation of uranium isotopes by laser excitation; accept U in place of “uranium”; prompt on enrichment or isotope separation by asking “of what element?”; prompt on AVLIS or MLIS; prompt on gaseous diffusion until read; prompt on gas centrifugation until read; reject “uranium purification”]
<SM, Chemistry>
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