
In 2018, Humphrey Davies translated a travelogue about this sultanate by Muḥammad al-Tūnisī, who traveled south on the Forty Day Road to its emporium of Kobbei. This sultanate’s Keira dynasty created a system managed by “master of the ax” stewards and fuqara (15[1])holy men. The slave trader al-Zubayr conquered (-5[1])this sultanate from his network of zariba forts (-5[1])in the (-5[1])Sea of Gazelles during the 1870s Turkiyya era. After succeeding the Tunjur (15[1])kingdom, this sultanate created the hakura system to give land grants to (*) cattle-herding Baggara clans. More recently, the region named for this sultanate spawned (-5[1])the Justice and Equality Movement among the Zaghawa people, (-5[1])who have been displaced by self-identified Arab militias (10[1])on (-5[1])horseback. (10[1])For 10 points, (10[1])what sultanate ruled a region (10[1])where the Janjaweed (10[1])participated in a 21st-century (10[1])genocide? (10[2])■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: Darfur Sultanate [or Sultanate of Darfur; or Salṭanat al-Dārfūr; or Fur Sultanate]
<JB, World History>
= Average correct buzz position
  • Total Buzzes
  • Correct Buzzes


2024 Chicago Open07/28/2024Y15100%13%40%115.47


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tracy Mirkinsticking out your guyot for the ridge push; you're so seafloor spread, you're so fracture zoneA Nervy Liberal Nanny Hence4115
Daniel MaThere are buzzable clues everywhere for those with eyes to seeNJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)48-5
Arya KarthikCharlotte's Moderately Successful TeamRead slowly: A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Read quickly: A56-5
Dylan MinarikAre You There, Chat? It's Me, MargaretLying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, Chicago58-5
Nick JensenLMM's LLM MLMI’ll take a quiet 10 / A handshake of CO (Chicago Open)7015
Eric ChenBerkeley Mafia and the Chicago BoyFirst Cause, First Cause, make me young!94-5
Colin Stewartvar merchantsgenAI this, genAI that, have you found your 真爱 yet103-5
Tejas RajeBHSU BThe Dyatlov Passement incident11110
Jeffrey FungThe Jeam TeamLes Missourables112-5
Milan FernandezThe Empire Bikes BackPunished "Venom" BHSU11310
Swapnil Gargit's the great pumpkinification objection, charlie brownWe Need New Names11610
Natan HoltzmanLisan al-QuibAMOGH QUIZ HACK? 英雄联盟 400 PPG 24 TUH12110
Conor ThompsonGalvanized Square Steen and Eco-Friendly Wood VermeerThe Oldest Men in the World12410
Robert WangNJTRANSit (and bobby, i guess)There are buzzable clues everywhere for those with eyes to see12910
Corry WanggenAI this, genAI that, have you found your 真爱 yetvar merchants12910
LouLying on a Mattress at Lou’s Apartment in Pilsen, ChicagoAre You There, Chat? It's Me, Margaret13010
Eric BobrowRead slowly: A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Read quickly: ACharlotte's Moderately Successful Team13010
Gautam Kandlikarwhen you look this good, you don’t have to know anythingNJTRANSit (and anwen, I guess)13010
Donal RyanLes MissourablesThe Jeam Team13010
Ved MuthusamyFirst Cause, First Cause, make me young!Berkeley Mafia and the Chicago Boy13010