Answer the following about self-organization, which refers to spontaneous processes that create global patterns out of local interactions, for 10 points each.
[10e] A classic example of self-organization is this biological process that creates a three-dimensional structure out of a polypeptide chain.
ANSWER: protein folding [prompt on descriptions of forming the tertiary structure of a protein]
[10h] Bénard convection is an example of this type of self-organized structure that forms in out-of-equilibrium open thermodynamic systems. The concept of “order through fluctuations” describes the formation of these structures, which were introduced by Ilya Prigogine (“pre-GO-zhin”).
ANSWER: dissipative structures [accept dissipative systems]
[10m] This self-organized chemical system exhibits two-dimensional target-shaped waves. This chemical oscillator is driven by the autocatalytic oxidation of cerium(III) ions by bromate and the reduction of cerium(IV) ions by malonic acid.
ANSWER: Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction [or BZ reaction; prompt on clock reactions]
<ES, Other Science (Mixed/Any)>