Discussion of this bias opens an interdisciplinary 2017 collection co-authored by Monica Gagliano and a 2023 popular press book by Paco Calvo. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this cognitive bias, a type of zoochauvinism that James Wandersee and Elizabeth Schussler theorized in the 1990s based on “attentional blink” studies.
ANSWER: plant blindness [or plant awareness disparity; or PED]
[10e] Calvo’s book Planta Sapiens associates the origins of plant blindness with this idea. An intellectual history by Arthur Lovejoy studies this hierarchical structure of life forms from ancient and medieval thought.
ANSWER: great chain of being [or ladder of being; or scala naturae; prompt on great chain]
[10m] Theorists of the “bio” form of this field use Thomas Sebeok’s (“SHEH-book’s”) and Jakob von Uexküll’s (“OOKS-cool’s”) work to analyze plant intelligence in terms of sensory realms called umwelt. This field’s “sphere” was theorized by its Moscow–Tartu School under Yuri Lotman.
ANSWER: semiotics [accept biosemiotics or semiosphere]
<JB, Other Academic>