
This man contrasted a “natural aristocracy” of “virtue and talents” with an “artificial aristocracy” of “wealth and birth.” (-5[2])The American Communist Party founded a “School of Social Science” named for this (10[1])man, whose economic philosophy may have been inspired by French Physiocrats. (-5[1])This man attempted to retell (-5[1])the Gospels without supernatural (10[3])phenomena (10[7]-5[1])in his (10[1])work (10[6]-5[1])“The Philosophy (10[2])of Jesus of (10[1])Nazareth.” (10[4])This politician (10[4])claimed that “those (10[1])who labor (10[3])in the earth are the chosen people of God” (10[1])in the “Manufactures” (10[2])section of his “Notes on the State of Virginia.” (10[7])This man idealized (10[3])“yeoman farmers” (10[2])and names (10[2])a pro-agrarian (10[2])system (10[2])of democracy. (10[2])For 10 points, (10[1])Alexander Hamilton’s (10[1])pro-manufacturing (10[1])outlook was opposed by what third (10[2])American (10[4])president? (10[1])■END■ (10[5])

ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson [accept Jeffersonian Democracy]
<American History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Barkot BelayEmory BAuburn A17-5
Faiz AhmedBirminghamLSE B17-5
John Chen (UG)UBC ASFU3010
Biniam AlaroUF BUF F41-5
Michal Gerasimiukstanford MBerkeley B46-5
Ethan BositaStanford ABerkeley A5010
Cohen WiegersEmory AGeorgia Tech E5010
Alexander NicholsUCF BFlorida Tech B5010
Chase BarrickLehigh AJohns Hopkins B5110
Carter McLeanPrinceton ARutgers C5110
Alex AkridgeIndiana AWashU C5110
Elias Kradel (DII)Kenyon B (DII)Michigan A5110
Justin LeeImperial ACambridge C5110
Seraphina CharlotteCambridge ASouthampton A51-5
Andy HuffLSE AWarwick B5110
Jonathan SchnipperA Brandeis SupremeBowdoin A5110
Gannon RiceClemson AGeorgia Tech D5310
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FAuburn C5410
Joe Paterson (UG)Michigan State B (UG)Pitt A5410
Drew Scheiner (UG)MissouriArkansas5410
Brielle Rach (D2)IowaOle Miss5410
Anne Fjeld (DII)AlbertaUW A54-5
Leo LawUF AFlorida Tech A5410
Omer KeskinOxford ACambridge D5410
Simon Zimmerman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)Ohio State C (DII)5610
Sam Macchi (D2)Vassar ATexas D5610
Eren MicheletBoston University AWilliams A5910
Charles YoungColumbia APenn B6010
Hayden WillettPurdue DUIUC A6010
Hayden WillettPurdue DUIUC A6010
Will ZhangTufts BBrown A6010
Everett SegoTennesse BTusculum A6210
David BassJohns Hopkins ARutgers A6210
Benny FeldmanUChicago CPurdue C6210
Athena Shadden (UG)Texas ATexas B6210
Ben LaFondCambridge BManchester6510
Sara SimkinsGeorgia AAuburn B6710
Joyann Hua (DII)UBC BUW B6710
Matthew SiffYale AYale C6710
Benjamin WatsonOxford BBristol B7610
donWashU DUIUC B7910
Anton Akroush (DII)Michigan State AOhio State B (DII)7910
Mitch McCullarPenn State ABard A8810
Arthur GaydenUChicago AUIUC D8810
Eve MarambaUF CUF D8810
Peter ScullyTufts ABrandeises Brew8810
Derek FinoClark ADiamond Brandeis8810
LucasYale BAmherst A8810
YrwinMITHarvard A8810
Nolan JonesPurdue APurdue B9110
Collin NadarajahWUSTL ATexas C9110
Graham LucasBowdoin BBU B9110
Neal JoshiWashU BUChicago D9310
Neal JoshiWashU BUChicago D9310
Daniel Huang (DII)Michigan D (DII)CWRU D (DII)9510
Tom HainesDurham ASouthampton B9510
Derrick LiuJohns Hopkins BPrinceton A9710
Samuel StellaFlorida State University AUF E9710
Evan Moore (UG)Mississippi StateColorado College9810
Sophie Higgs (DII)UW AAlberta9810
Abby SmithBerkeley CStanford L10010
Daniel Luebs (DII)Michigan State C (UG)CWRU C (UG)10010
Lucas JohnsWarwick ADurham B10310
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech A10510
Arthur Zhang (D2)NYU BVassar B10610
Brynn JonesOregon StateCentral Oklahoma11210
Gavin MarkoffVanderbiltBristol A11210
Thomas FlexerPenn State BRowan A11310
Thomas FlexerPenn State BRowan A11310
Jacob FriedmanUF FUF B11310
Rajat SethiNortheastern ACarabrandeis11310
CiaranKenyon ACWRU B11410
Ryan SunBerkeley Bstanford M11510
Alex WyrickTennesse AAlabama A11510
Will HughesAuburn AEmory B11510
Ryan SharpeLSE BBirmingham11510
Christian SherringtonSouthampton ACambridge A11510
Bella ThomasDurham ASouthampton A11710