
The speaker parodies this poem and describes “Mr Anthologos, the local gardener” in a letter to Harriet Weaver about a trip to France. A section of this poem, which opens with a description of “the torchlight red on sweaty faces,” includes the sound of water’s “Drip drop drip drop.” This poem’s speaker repeatedly references Edmund Spenser’s line “Sweet (10[1])Thames, (10[1])run softly, till I end my song.” (-5[1])In (10[1])this poem’s final section, the speaker mentions “These fragments I have shored against my (10[1])ruins” before referencing Thomas Kyd with the (10[1])line “Hieronymo’s mad againe.” (10[1])The speaker (-5[1])calls cities “Unreal” in (10[1])this poem’s section “What the Thunder Said.” (10[2])This poem ends “Shantih (10[1])shantih shantih.” (10[1])For (10[1])10 (10[2])points, “April is the cruellest month” (10[1])opens (10[1])what poem by T. S. Eliot? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: “The Waste Land” (The first line refers to a parody by James Joyce.)
<British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y9100%0%11%104.22
2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y7100%0%14%95.00
2024 ACF Winter at Ohio State2024-11-16Y1100%0%0%57.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rachel Fanous (DII)Michigan AOhio State A (UG)5710
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech F5810
Ethan AltshulEmory BTusculum A65-5
Braeden LaRocheSouth Carolina AAuburn A6610
Everett SegoTennesse BGeorgia Tech A8010
Luke ZhangEmory AGeorgia Tech B8710
Martin BrandenburgGeorgia AAuburn C9110
Malachi LedfordTusculum AGeorgia Tech D93-5
Gannon RiceClemson AEmory B9710
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech D10410
William BarnesTennesse AAuburn C10410
Bob FreedmanGeorgia AGeorgia Tech E10810
Will LockeTennesse BGeorgia Tech C11010
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E11110
Pranav JothiGeorgia Tech DTusculum A11210
Parker McCoigTennesse AAuburn B11210
Britton WebsterAlabama AAuburn B11810
Charlie WeaverClemson ASouth Carolina A11910
Malachi LedfordTusculum AEmory B12610