
Description acceptable. In a region whose name Margaret Murray translated as the “living one of forms,” this mythical object is transformed into a giant snake. This object regularly travels past the mountains of Manu and Bakhu. The guardian goddesses Sia and Heka are (10[1])often included in funereal depictions of this object, which is also guarded by the serpent (-5[1])Mehen. (10[1])A 40-meter-long (10[1])real-life example of this specific object was found buried beside the Pyramid of Khufu. (10[1]-5[1])This object must pass through twelve gates (10[2])during the amduat, (10[1])after which it is guided by (-5[1])Khepri at (10[1])dawn. (10[2])While traveling through (10[1])the Duat, this vehicle is (10[1])defended every night by Horus and Set from the chaos serpent Apep. For (10[1])10 points, name this celestial vehicle driven by Ra (0[1])that provides light to humanity. ■END■

ANSWER: Ra’s solar barque [or sun barge or any description of a sun boat or sun ship or any description of Ra’s boat until “Ra” is read; accept Mandjet or Boat of Millions of Years or Meseket or Atet; prompt on boats or barges or ships or the Khufu ship or equivalents; prompt on the sun]
= Average correct buzz position


2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y989%0%11%81.13
2024 ACF Winter at Clemson2024-11-16Y7100%0%29%112.71
2024 ACF Winter at Ohio State2024-11-16Y1100%0%0%58.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Tarun KotiEmory BTusculum A4210
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech BEmory A57-5
Yahwanth Bajji (DII)Michigan AOhio State A (UG)5810
Henry BylinowskiAuburn ASouth Carolina A6010
Arhith DharanendraGeorgia Tech FGeorgia Tech B7410
Joshua DavenportGeorgia Tech CTennesse B74-5
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech A8110
Alex ThomasGeorgia Tech EGeorgia A8110
Aiden ShieldsClemson ASouth Carolina A8410
Ethan AltshulEmory BClemson A90-5
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FGeorgia Tech E9210
Alex WyrickTennesse AAuburn C9310
Harris BeckerAlabama AAuburn B9310
William BarnesTennesse AAuburn B9610
Bob FreedmanGeorgia AAuburn C10110
Pranav JothiGeorgia Tech DTusculum A11410
Alina MooreTennesse BGeorgia Tech C1230
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech ATennesse B13510
Gannon RiceClemson AEmory B14410
Cohen WiegersEmory AGeorgia Tech B14810