
The dispersion relation of an infinite form of these substances is modeled by the letters X, O, R, and L in the CMA diagram. When certain particles are “warm”, a term of 3 k-squared thermal speed squared (10[1])appears in the Bohm–Gross dispersion (10[1])relation of these substances. (10[1])The term [read slowly] “two over the (10[1])thermal de Broglie (10[1]-5[1])wavelength cubed” appears in an equation describing these substances (-5[1])named for (10[6])Meghnad (10[5])Saha. (10[2])Discovering low-frequency oscillations (10[1])in these substances won (10[3])Hannes (10[1])Alfvén (10[2])(“all-VANE”) the 1970 Nobel (10[2])Prize (-5[1])in Physics, who described (10[1])these (-5[1])substances (10[2])using MHD. The (10[4])Debye (“duh-BYE”) length measures how (10[1])well electric fields are screened in (-5[1])these substances, which are confined by (10[1])a (10[1])tokamak’s (10[1])magnetic (10[1])field in (10[2])a (10[1])potential (10[1])fusion (10[1])reactor design. For 10 points, name this (10[1])high-energy (10[3])fourth (10[1])state (10[1])of (10[10])matter. ■END■

ANSWER: plasmas [accept plasma waves; accept infinite plasmas]
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Oscar O'FlanaganImperial ABirmingham3610
Shiva TegullaUCF AUF B4110
Mitchell IndekMichigan BKenyon A (UG)4510
Aswath Karai (DII)Michigan State APitt B (UG)5210
Alex AkridgeIndiana AUIUC D5510
Christopher JosephNotre DamePurdue C55-5
Aaryan TomarGeorgia Tech EAuburn A64-5
Katherine LeiStanford LBerkeley C6610
Rohan ShelkeBerkeley BStanford M6610
Rohan DalalGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech D6610
Jeremy CummingsWashU BUIUC C6610
Kevin YeSFUAlberta6610
Leo LawUF AUCF B6610
Swapnil GargBerkeley AStanford A6710
Ishaan SinghPurdue BNorthwestern A6710
Samarth RamUChicago BUIUC B6710
Russell Nip (UG)UBC AUBC B6710
Kai MadgwickManchesterDurham A6710
Matthew SumanenGeorgia Tech AEmory A6810
Braden Booth (D2)MissouriVassar B6810
Aditya Patnaik (DII)Ohio State B (DII)CWRU A (UG)7110
Michael HundingUIUC AIndiana B7510
Jake Meltzer (DII)CWRU A (UG)Michigan C (UG)7510
Calvin Bostleman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)CWRU D (DII)7510
JacobOSU CMichigan D7610
Eveline OngOxford AWarwick A7710
Albert NyangLSE AImperial B7710
Calvin Bostleman (UG)Ohio State A (UG)Michigan State B (UG)8010
Todd MaslykMichigan AOhio State B (DII)8010
Blake DanzigerEdinburghSouthampton B81-5
Will McCurleyAuburn AGeorgia Tech E8510
Ariel FaederPitt AKenyon A (UG)86-5
Ariel FaederPitt AOhio State C (DII)8710
Collin Leck (D2)Central OklahomaOle Miss8710
Malachi LedfordTusculum AAuburn B9010
Yaj Jhajhria (DII)UW BUW A9010
Kevin FlanaganBristol ADurham B9010
Alex BakerCambridge CBristol B9010
Alan Lee (UG)CWRU B (UG)Michigan B9410
Agnijo BanerjeeCambridge AWarwick B100-5
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CAlabama A10610
Alessandro d'AttanasioCambridge DVanderbilt10710
Brynn JonesOregon StateWUSTL A10810
Jason Thieu (DII)Michigan State B (UG)CWRU B (UG)10910
Sam KonkelUChicago CWashU C11110
Logan MathisSIUE APurdue D11110
Roman BassettUF DUF F11210
Parker Knudson (D2)Texas CVassar A11310
Aidan BernardoFlorida Tech AUF C11410
Francis Hanf (UG)Kenyon A (UG)Pitt A12110
Francis BernhardtMiamiUChicago D12210
Francis BernhardtMiamiUChicago D12210
Sarah Dong (DII)Michigan C (UG)Pitt B (UG)12210
Aswath Karai (DII)Michigan State AKenyon B (DII)12310
Eshan Pant (D2)NYU AIowa12410
Ian LuGeorgia Tech FEmory B12510
Asheton WilbanksClemson AGeorgia A12510
Sophia MadrazoPurdue CNotre Dame12510
Jackson Hopper (UG)Mississippi StateArkansas12510
Adrian Zhou (D2)NYU BTexas B12510
Chloe Wei (D2)McGill EColorado College12510
Ryan GomesFlorida Tech BFlorida State University A12510
Danny FisherWarwick BCambridge A12510
Ryan SharpeLSE BOxford B12510
Mata CooperSouthampton BEdinburgh12510