A girl created by this author dances with young men who remark on the quality of the floor before being upset by an old man telling her no one will want to kiss her once she’s old. Nurse Andrews takes excessive helpings of bread and butter in a story by this author about Con and Jug dealing with their father’s death. On a day where “after all, the weather was ideal,” a character who appeared in this author’s “Her First Ball” complains about her mother ordering flowers and supervises a marquee set-up. A man from Godber’s is received by a character who rehearses “This Life Is Weary” in a story by this author, in which news of the carter Scott being killed interrupts the title event organized by Laura Sheridan. For 10 points, name this New Zealand author of “The Garden Party.” ■END■
2024 ACF Winter at Clemson | 2024-11-16 | Y | 1 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 70.00 |
2024 ACF Winter at Lehigh | 2024-11-16 | Y | 6 | 83% | 0% | 0% | 117.20 |
2024 ACF Winter at Northwestern | 2024-11-16 | Y | 9 | 100% | 0% | 22% | 113.78 |
2024 ACF Winter at Ohio State | 2024-11-16 | Y | 7 | 86% | 0% | 14% | 123.33 |
2024 ACF Winter at Online | 2024-11-16 | Y | 7 | 100% | 0% | 14% | 109.57 |
2024 ACF Winter at UBC | 2024-11-16 | Y | 3 | 100% | 0% | 0% | 86.33 |
2024 ACF Winter at Central Florida | 2024-11-16 | Y | 4 | 50% | 0% | 25% | 90.50 |
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Michael Hunding | UIUC A | UIUC B | 56 | 10 |
Jisoo Yoo | Texas A | Iowa | 60 | 10 |
Nermeen Rahman | Indiana B | SIUE A | 64 | 10 |
Yahwanth Bajji (DII) | Michigan A | Pitt A | 66 | 10 |
Kevin Wang | Georgia Tech B | Auburn A | 70 | 10 |
Eshan Pant (D2) | NYU A | Missouri | 70 | 10 |
Kevin Ye | SFU | Alberta | 72 | 10 |
Justin Hawkins | Indiana A | UChicago A | 81 | -5 |
Tai Belke (DII) | UBC B | UBC A | 81 | 10 |
Jack Rado | Columbia A | Haverford A | 86 | 10 |
Shourjo Ganguli (UG) | Ohio State A (UG) | Ohio State B (DII) | 88 | -5 |
Towery McNeil (D2) | Mississippi State | Oregon State | 88 | 10 |
Leo Law | UF A | Florida State University A | 88 | 10 |
Anna Barker | UCF A | UF D | 93 | 10 |
Jay Kim | UChicago B | WashU D | 94 | 10 |
Mitch McCullar | Penn State A | Princeton A | 95 | 10 |
Truman Fillbrandt (UG) | UW A | UW B | 106 | 10 |
Devito Stevanus (UG) | McGill E | WUSTL A | 125 | -5 |
Hazel DePreist-Sullivan | Bard A | Penn A | 126 | 10 |
Nolan Jones | Purdue A | Northwestern A | 126 | 10 |
Jack Casey | UIUC C | Miami | 129 | 10 |
Biyang Zhang (UG) | Michigan B | Michigan State A | 129 | 10 |
Sam Wang (UG) | Pitt B (UG) | CWRU B (UG) | 129 | 10 |
Jeevan Iyadurai | UF C | UCF B | 129 | -5 |
Peter Zeng (DII) | Ohio State C (DII) | Michigan C (UG) | 132 | 10 |
Collin Leck (D2) | Central Oklahoma | NYU B | 132 | 10 |
Thomas Doyle (UG) | Vassar B | Texas C | 133 | 10 |
Alvin Guo | UChicago C | UIUC D | 135 | 10 |
Noah McRedmond | Notre Dame | WashU C | 136 | -5 |
Chauncey Lo | Columbia B | Lehigh A | 137 | 10 |
David Mathew | Purdue B | UChicago D | 137 | 10 |
Max Hodes | UChicago A | Indiana A | 141 | 10 |
Emma Victoria Byron | Rutgers C | Johns Hopkins B | 142 | 0 |
Rahul Rao-Pothuraju | Rowan A | Rutgers A | 142 | 10 |
Elizabeth Jewlal | Johns Hopkins B | Rutgers C | 142 | 0 |
Conner Yamnitz | WashU C | Notre Dame | 142 | 10 |
Elias Kradel (DII) | Kenyon B (DII) | Kenyon A (UG) | 142 | 0 |
Ciaran Strimaitis (DII) | Kenyon A (UG) | Kenyon B (DII) | 142 | 0 |
Rohan Navaneetha Raj (DII) | Ohio State B (DII) | Ohio State A (UG) | 142 | 10 |
Kara Braun (DII) | Michigan State C (UG) | CWRU D (DII) | 142 | 10 |
Cyrus Zhou | WUSTL A | McGill E | 142 | 10 |
Sam Macchi (D2) | Vassar A | Texas B | 142 | 10 |
Alexander Nichols | UCF B | UF C | 142 | 0 |
Aidan Bernardo | Florida Tech A | UF F | 142 | 0 |
Audrey Swingle | UF F | Florida Tech A | 142 | 0 |