
This author wrote about Prola and Pra’s sexual commune causing fears of the Last Judgment in his play The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles. In a play by this author, a character who writes maxims about (-5[1])weaponry on his shop and signs them “UNASHAMED” uses Dionysus as a comparison (-5[1])for a man who (-5[2])mistakes him for his (-5[1])ineffectual (0[1])son Stephen. This author wrote a “Romance (10[1])in Five Acts” that opens by referring to characters like “The (10[1])Bystander” (-5[1])and “The Note-Taker.” (10[3])A woman created (10[1]-5[1])by (10[1])this author, who must marry the foundling Adolphus (10[1])Cusins (10[8])to inherit (10[1])her (10[2])father’s (10[1])business, (10[1])is conflicted (10[1])about (10[1])a donation from the (10[3])munitions (10[1])manufacturer Andrew (10[3])Undershaft. (10[5]-5[1])For (10[1])10 points, (10[1])name this author of Major Barbara (10[4])and a play (10[1])about (10[4]0[1])Henry Higgins (10[3])and (10[1])Eliza (10[2])Doolittle, (10[6])Pygmalion. (10[2])■END■ (10[5]0[2])

ANSWER: George Bernard Shaw
<British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Zach TsengGeorgia Tech EGeorgia Tech A35-5
Arjun KalaUIUC BSIUE A48-5
Martin BrandenburgGeorgia AEmory B52-5
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CGeorgia Tech F52-5
Zachary KantEmory AGeorgia Tech D56-5
Allen XuGeorgia Tech FGeorgia Tech C570
Collin Leck (D2)Central OklahomaVassar A6410
Will McCurleyAuburn AGeorgia Tech B7510
Sara SimkinsGeorgia AGeorgia Tech C76-5
Kevin WangGeorgia Tech BGeorgia Tech A7910
Roan DowlingIowaVassar A7910
William OrrYale ATufts A7910
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins AHaverford A8210
Jisoo YooTexas AMcGill E82-5
Rohan GaneshanHarvard AYale C8310
Ezra GreenhillBard AJohns Hopkins B9110
Henry BylinowskiAuburn AEmory A9210
MitchPenn State ALehigh9210
Neal JoshiWashU BMiami9210
Michael HundingUIUC AWashU D9210
Collin Leck (D2)Central OklahomaWUSTL A9210
Collin Leck (D2)Central OklahomaWUSTL A9210
Yrwin BatanMIT ACarabrandeis9210
Richard LinAmherst ADiamond Brandeis9210
Anna BarkerUCF AFlorida Tech B9410
Nathaniel HullBerkeley ABerkeley B9510
Jackson Hopper (UG)Mississippi StateMcGill E9510
Ryan LeeBrown ABrandeises Brew9610
Omer KeskinOxford ACambridge C9710
Elle Lee (D2)NYU ATexas D9910
Asheton WilbanksClemson AAlabama A10010
Ryan FangStanford AStanford L10410
Jisoo ParkUIUC CPurdue B10410
Seraphina CharlotteCambridge ACambridge B10410
Towery McNeil (D2)Mississippi StateNYU B10510
Tegan KapadiaGeorgia Tech DGeorgia Tech E10710
Leo LawUF AUF F10710
Lucas JohnsWarwick AOxford B10710
Michal GerasimiukStanford MBerkeley C10810
Britton WebsterAlabama AEmory B10810
Alvin GuoUChicago CUChicago A108-5
Arnav Lahoti (D2)Texas BColorado College10810
Albert NyangLSE AManchester10810
Mikey BrownBirminghamCambridge D10810
Nermeen RahmanIndiana BPurdue D10910
Jem BurchYale BWilliams A11110
Malachi LedfordTusculum AAuburn C11710
Biniam AlaroUF BUF E11710
Lewys JenkinsBristol AImperial A11710
Gavin MarkoffVanderbiltDurham B11710
Michael WuSouthampton BImperial B12010
Bharath RamGeorgia Tech DEmory A12110
Barkot BelayEmory BGeorgia A1210
Tianyu XuGeorgia Tech AGeorgia Tech E12110
Brandon HuntAuburn CAuburn B12110
James CarrigyEdinburghLSE B12110
Anirudh BharadwajPenn ARutgers C12310
Chauncey LoColumbia BPrinceton A12310
Nolan JonesPurdue AUChicago D12310
Conner YamnitzWashU CPurdue C12410
Alex WongRutgers APenn State B12510
Vincent ZhangPenn BRowan A12510
Arthur GaydenUChicago AUChicago C12610
Logan MathisSIUE AUIUC B12610
Thomas Doyle (UG)Vassar BArkansas12610
Lily MorrisBristol BWarwick B12610
Rajat SethiNortheastern ATufts B12610
Jonathan SchnipperA Brandeis SupremeBoston University A12610
Allen XuGeorgia Tech FClemson A12710
Noah McRedmondNotre DameUIUC D12710
Arunn SankarGeorgia Tech CGeorgia A12810
Devito Stevanus (UG)McGill ETexas A12810
Keerthana Krishnan (D2)Texas COle Miss12810
Samuel StellaFlorida State University AUF D12810
Alexander NicholsUCF BFlorida Tech A12810
GrahamBowdoin BBowdoin A1280
NickBowdoin ABowdoin B1280