Sanskrit or English term acceptable. This concept names an orange-wearing reincarnation of Shirḍī Sāī Bābā from Puṭṭapartī. This concept, which characterizes the Krita Yuga, is equated with dharma in the Brihadāraṇyaka (“BRIH-huh-dah-RUN-yuh-kuh”) Upanishad. The Muṇḍaka Upanishad states that this concept “alone triumphs,” or this concept ēva jayatē (“AY-vuh JUH-yuh-tay”), the national motto of India. This virtue, the second-highest of Patanjali’s yamas, is violated in the Mahābhārata when Yudhishṭhira (“yoo-DISH-tih-ruh”) informs Drōṇa of Ashvatthāmā’s death. A movement named for this virtue was promoted at the Sābarmatī Āshram in Gujarāt, the start point of the Dāṇḍī Salt March. Non-violence, or ahiṃsā, is equated with a movement named for this virtue’s “force” or “graha” (“GRUH-huh”) coined by Mahātmā Gāndhī. For 10 points, satya is the Sanskrit term for what virtue contrasted with falsehood? ■END■
ANSWER: truth [accept being truthful; accept satya or satyāgraha or satyamēva jayatē or Satya Sāī Bābā until “satya” is read; accept truth force or truth alone triumphs; accept descriptions like not lying or being honest or being sincere; prompt on soul force]
= Average correct buzz position