
A player of this instrument frequently opened songs by jumping octaves to hit a root note, such as on the track “Guess Who.” A player of this instrument who moved off the Stovall plantation with 20 dollars from Alan Lomax created the song “I Can’t Be Satisfied.” (10[1])A player of this instrument created the song “Texas Flood” with the group Double Trouble before dying (10[1])in a helicopter accident. A player of this instrument exemplified the Chicago Blues with songs like “Hoochie Coochie Man.” On songs like “The Thrill is Gone,” a “hummingbird vibrato” was played on one of these instruments (10[1]-5[1])that its artist named Lucille. For 10 points, (10[1]-5[1])blues musicians (-5[1])like (10[1])Muddy Waters (10[1])and B. B. King played what instrument (10[1])whose notes are created by raking, bending, and sliding its strings? (0[1])■END■ (10[5]0[4])

ANSWER: guitar [accept blues guitar; accept electric guitar] (The artist who died was Stevie Ray Vaughan.)
<Other Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position


2024 ACF Regionals @ Nebraska01/27/2024Y683%0%0%116.60
2024 ACF Regionals @ Imperial01/27/2024Y888%0%38%104.00


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Isaiah SilversDurham AEdinburgh4610
Andrew FisherSheffieldOxford B6310
Cormac BeirneSorbonneTexas A&M B9910
Eileen PengOxford CKiel99-5
Oliver HargraveOxford ACambridge A10710
Thomas HartWarwickCambridge B107-5
Adam JonesImperial AImperial B109-5
Mitchell ShaddenTexas AAppalachian State11010
Roan DowlingIowa AUBC A11210
Kevin FlanaganBristolCambridge C11910
Brendan BethlehemCambridge BWarwick1300
Truman FillbrandtUW AIowa B1310
Anwitha VempaliIowa BUW A1310
Elise StewartRice AMichigan State A13110
Andrew HarmsMichigan State ARice A1310
Kevin ParkClaremont ATexas A&M A13110
Carlos DoebeliImperial BImperial A13110
Aisling SkeetDurham BKCL13110
Ian DewanKielOxford C13110
Alessandro BogoKCLDurham B1310