
Charles Rosen memorably described a composition of this type that forms part of a lengthy collection of keyboard music as “the most significant piano work of the millennium.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this Baroque type of composition with an Italianate name, whose most famous examples “a 3” and “a 6” are both based on the chromatic “Thema Regium.”
ANSWER: ricercar (“ree-chur-CAR”) [or ricercare; accept Ricercar a 3 or Ricercar a 6 or with “ricercare” in place of “ricercar”]
[10e] The “Thema Regium” which forms the basis for J. S. Bach’s The Musical Offering was composed by this Enlightened Prussian king who employed Bach’s son Carl Philip Emannuel.
ANSWER: Frederick the Great [accept Frederick II; accept Friedrich der Große or Friedrich II; prompt on Frederick or Friedrich]
[10m] The Musical Offering includes a trio sonata featuring this instrument because Frederick the Great was a talented player of it. Johann Joachim Quantz wrote a major treatise on playing this instrument.
ANSWER: flute [or Flöte; accept On Playing the Flute; accept Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen]
<Classical Music>

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