
In an essay subtitled “The Revenge,” this author complained about the number of white people who email him about an earlier essay that became “the most-forwarded story in Granta history.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this founder of the journal Kwani? A satirical essay by this author instructs, “Describe, in detail, … dead bodies,” and ends by mentioning “rainbows or renaissances, because you care.”
ANSWER: Binyavanga Wainaina [or Kenneth Binyavanga Wainaina]
[10e] That Wainaina essay is titled “How to Write About” this place. Chinua Achebe attacked Joseph Conrad’s depiction of this place in an essay titled “An Image of” this place.
ANSWER: Africa
[10m] Ikhide Ikheloa’s essay “How Not to Write About Africa” criticizes the story “Hitting Budapest” by NoViolet Bulawayo, a Caine Prize winner from this country.
ANSWER: Zimbabwe [or Republic of Zimbabwe]
<World Literature>

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Stanford CStanford B010010
Cornell ACornell C10101030
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RIT BCornell B010010
Virginia B (UG)GWU A (UG)010010
Liberty B (DII)GWU B (Grad)010010
JMU A (UG)William & Mary A (UG)0000
Duke A (UG)JMU B (UG)010010
UNC B (UG)Liberty C (DII)010010
Maryland A (Grad)Maryland C (DII)0101020
Virginia C (UG)Maryland B (UG)0000
Roanoke College A (DII)UNC C (UG)0000
UNC D (DII)Liberty A (Grad)010010
Virginia A (UG)UNC A (Grad)010010
Claremont AIowa B0101020
Iowa AAppalachian State0101020
Rice AUBC A010010
Michigan State ASorbonne0101020
Texas A&M BTexas A&M A010010
UW ATexas A0101020
Michigan CKenyon010010
Michigan AOhio State B010010
Ohio State AMichigan B010010
John JayPenn010010
Columbia BJohns Hopkins0101020
NYU BHaverford010010
NYU ARowan010010
VassarColumbia C010010
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Durham AWarwick10101030
EdinburghImperial B0101020
BristolOxford C0101020
Imperial ADurham B10101030
Cambridge CKCL0101020
KielOxford A010010
Cambridge ASheffield010010
Georgia Tech BAlabama010010
MTSUVanderbilt A0101020
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Dartmouth ADartmouth B0101020
Harvard BHarvard A010010
Tufts BTufts A010010