Nan Lin et al. measured this concept with a “position-generator” technique. Daniel Aldrich linked this concept to resilience to natural disasters. It’s not migration, but a 1998 paper by Alejandro Portes critiqued theories of this concept for neglecting negative effects like downward-leveling norms and for circular reasoning in attributing it to political systems. It is not information or ideas, but Ronald Burt theorized that this concept arises from brokerage across structural holes. “Bonding” and “bridging” types of it are contrasted in a work that rejects a “repotting hypothesis.” A theorist who contrasted levels of this concept in Northern and Southern Italy argued that television and the end of a “civic generation” reduced it in the US. For 10 points, name this concept whose “decline” was traced in Robert Putnam’s Bowling Alone. ■END■
ANSWER: social capital [accept “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital”; prompt on capital; prompt on social trust]
<Social Science>
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