Note to moderator: Read the answerline carefully. Women perform this activity with yucca hoops in the ariwete ritual. Orlando Patterson credited this activity for “paradoxical” increases in his home country’s life expectancy identified by James C. Riley. Daniel Lieberman argued that this activity’s flat cost curve outperformed the U-shape of a [emphasize] less costly behavior’s “inverted pendulum” mechanism. Hypotheses about mechanisms of this activity, such as ACTN3 polymorphisms and high VO2 max, fail to explain its “economy” among Kalenjin peoples like the Nandi. A Christopher McDougall book exoticized the use of huaraches (“wah-RAH-chays”) and ground pinole (“pee-NOH-lay”) during this activity by Chihuahua’s Rarámuri people. David Raichlen argued that endocannabinoids, not endorphins, mediate this activity’s so-called “high.” For 10 points, cursorial hominins may have evolved what activity for persistence hunting like pursuit predation? ■END■
ANSWER: running [accept jogging, racing, footraces, sprinting, endurance running, marathon running, dashing, chasing, chase, or other types of running; accept pursuit or pursuing until “pursuit” is read; prompt on locomotion, movement, exercise, sports, striding, strides, or equivalents of any; prompt on hunting or tracking or equivalents by asking “via what activity?”; reject “walking” or “ambulation” or “trekking”]
<Social Science>
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