This quantity is written as the sum of reversible and irreversible terms in the Jiles–Atherton model. The time derivative of this quantity equals: [read slowly] a constant, times a damping parameter, times this quantity crossed with its time derivative, all plus a precession term. The Stoner–Wohlfarth model describes rotation about the “easy axis,” the energetically favorable orientation for this quantity to spontaneously appear. The Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation predicts the evolution of this quantity, whose curl is the bound current density. The intrinsic coercivity is the applied field needed to reduce this quantity to zero, while the amount of this quantity when there is no applied field is called remanence. This quantity plus the H-field equals the B-field over mu-naught. For 10 points, what quantity is the magnetic moment per unit volume? ■END■
ANSWER: magnetization [or magnetic polarization; prompt on M; reject “polarization”]
= Average correct buzz position