Artur Avila and Svetlana Jitomirskaya (“zhih-TOH-mer-sky-uh”) proved that if the frequency of the almost Mathieu (“maht-YEW”) operator has this property, Hofstadter’s butterfly is a Cantor set, resolving the “ten martini problem.” For the tent map with parameter 2 and Arnold’s cat map, inputs with this property give rise to [emphasize] non-periodic behavior. This property names a set of rotations that are ergodic. A “measure” named for this property is at least 2 for numbers with this property, per Dirichlet’s (“dee-ree-KLAY’s”) approximation theorem. Zeta of 3 has this property, as shown by Roger Apéry (“ah-pay-REE”). Real roots of integer-coefficient monic polynomials are either integers or numbers with this property, the set of which is denoted by the expression “R backslash Q.” For 10 points, name this property of numbers that [emphasize] cannot be expressed as one integer over another. ■END■
ANSWER: irrational [or irrationality; accept irrational rotation or irrationality measure; reject “real” or “transcendental”]
<Other Science>
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