Description acceptable. This process ends the development of most daughters of V1 through V6 seam cells in C. elegans, which are destined for the cylindrical hyp7 (“hip-7”). This process is studied in goldfish cells expressing RIBEYE, where binding to munc-18 (“munk-18”) helps form mature structures. This process is immediately preceded by GAK and auxilin recruiting Hsc70 (“H-S-C-70”) to remove a structure supported by AP-1 and AP-2. After binding sialic acid, hemagglutinin facilitates this process by changing conformation. The formation of the zero-ionic layer generates mechanical stress that drives this physical process in the “zippering” mechanism. In eukaryotes, this process begins with docking and is mediated by endogenous viral F proteins or SNAREs. For 10 points, name this final step in exocytosis, which forms syncytia (“sin-SISH-ee-uh”) when it occurs between cells. ■END■
ANSWER: cell fusion [or vesicle fusion; or (exoplasmic) membrane fusion; or descriptions of cells or membranes merging or joining; accept fusing of the viral envelope; accept formation of syncytia or syncytium until “syncytia” is read; prompt on exocytosis or secretion or neurotransmitter release until “exocytosis” is read by asking “what process must occur during exocytosis?”; reject “budding” or “endocytosis”] (hyp7 is a 133-nucleated syncytium that forms most of the hypodermis.)
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