The exploitation of a property whose name begins with this word was repopularized by a 1998 study of a truncated ERGE (“E-R-G-E”) by Martin Reuter, after it was first proposed in a 1979 paper by Steven Weinberg on quantum gravity. A property whose name begins with this word prevents divergences in the UV limit in perturbatively nonrenormalizable quantum field theories, provided that a nontrivial renormalization group fixed point exists. This adjective describes that type of “safety” and begins the name of a feature of theories that lack Landau poles. A feature whose name begins with this word occurs when the beta function is negative, so that the coupling constant decreases with energy, and the force increases with increasing distance. For 10 points, the strong force exhibits a “freedom” named for what adjective that refers to behavior at infinity? ■END■
ANSWER: asymptotic [accept asymptotic freedom or asymptotically free; accept asymptotic safety or asymptotically safe; prompt on nonperturbative renormalizability or nonperturbatively renormalizable until “perturbatively” is read]
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