Kalela dancers in Zambia’s Copperbelt sang about a sect named for this building “trying cunningly to convert” them. For 10 points each:
[10m] What building names an anticolonial movement led by Elliot Kamwana? Katanga’s revolutionary Kitawala groups derived from a “Bible and Tract Society” named for it that proselytizes for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
ANSWER: watchtower [accept The Watchtower or The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom; accept Watch Tower Society or Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (of Pennsylvania); accept Watchtower Movement or African Watch Tower Movement or Church of the Watchtower; prompt on tower or fortification] (Jehovah’s Witnesses derive from the broad-sense Watchtower Movement and currently lead the society.)
[10e] Specific name required. This place’s “Watchtower” titled tracts spread to Malawi by Joseph Booth. This term for Jerusalem names a Swazi stream of African-initiated churches and the Rastafari promised land.
ANSWER: Zion [or Tzion or Sion or Tsiyyon; accept Mount Zion or Har Ṣīyyōn or Jabal Sahyoun; accept African Zionism, amaZionio, African Zionist Churches, or Zion Christian Church; accept Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence] (African Zionist churches derive from John Alexander Dowie’s Christ Community Church in Zion, Illinois.)
[10h] The prophet Ntsikana inspired both Ethiopianist churches contrasted with African Zionism and the work of this hymnodist. This first Black South African reverend recorded Xhosa (“KAW-suh”) customs at Lovedale College.
ANSWER: Tiyo Soga