In The Work of Revision, Hannah Sullivan states that this poem’s aim was to trace “the poet’s vocation, not his whole life,” and notes how it was revised over 50 years. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this long autobiographical poem that provides the title of Sullivan’s 2023 collection Was It For This. In its first book, the narrator takes an “elfin” boat out onto a lake and is overwhelmed by a distant peak.
ANSWER: The Prelude (by William Wordsworth)
[10e] Sullivan’s The Work of Revision analyzes Allen Ginsberg’s release of an “Original Draft Facsimile” of this poem 30 years after its publication. Its second section describes the idol Moloch.
ANSWER: “Howl”
[10h] Sullivan’s poem “Repeat Until Time” is subtitled for this man. A Gerard Manley Hopkins poem whose title uses his name as an adjective ends by stating that “this Jack” is “immortal diamond.”
ANSWER: Heraclitus [or Heraclitus of Ephesus or Herákleitos; accept “That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection” or “Repeat Until Time: The Heraclitus Poem”]
<British Literature>