The original cantons within the Old Swiss Confederacy chose to adhere to this faith when the doctrine of cuius regio, eius religio spread to Swiss lands. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this faith that traditionally dominated the rural central cantons of Switzerland, like Uri and Schwyz (“shveets”), in opposition to Huldrych Zwingli’s Zürich.
ANSWER: Roman Catholicism [or Catholic church or Ecclesia Catholica; prompt on Christianity; prompt on Christian Union]
[10m] Uri and Schwyz formed the Christian Union to ally with Austria against the spread of Protestantism during this set of two wars; Zwingli died during the second of them in 1531.
ANSWER: Kappel Wars [or Wars of Kappel; or Kappelerkriege]
[10h] In 1845, the Catholic cantons opposed the dissolution of monasteries in Aargau in the Sonderbund, which was led by the head of a political party named for this ideology. In France, nonbelievers in this ideology, like Pierre Pithou and Edmond Richer (“ree-SHAY”), coalesced under the Gallican banner.
ANSWER: Ultramontanism [accept Ultramontane Party]
<European History>