Abraham Lincoln once leapt out of a first-storey window to prevent the Illinois Legislature from reaching this number. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this number that can be “busted” in a walkout if the minority party is numerous enough. This is the minimum number of members for an assembly to conduct business.
ANSWER: quorum [accept quorum-busting]
[10h] Speaker Thomas Reed abolished the “disappearing quorum” in which members of Congress stayed quiet during roll call and subsequently passed this 1890 bill intended to halt disenfranchisement of Black voters; however, it was filibustered to death in the Senate.
ANSWER: Lodge Bill [or Force Bill or Federal Elections Bill]
[10m] Henry Robert created his namesake manual for parliamentary procedure while serving in this organization, which built the Mississippi River Basin Model to test flood control measures like the Old River Control Structure.
ANSWER: Army Corps of Engineers [or United States Army Corps of Engineers; or USACE; prompt on United States Army, U.S. Army, military, United States Armed Forces, or equivalents]
<American History>