Name these terms with different meanings in Catholicism and biology, for 10 points each.
[10e] This title is given to representatives of the Benedictine Confederation and to the archbishop of a country’s most historically significant see. A mammalian order with this name includes galagos, tarsiers, and lorises.
ANSWER: primate [accept Primates; accept Abbot Primate]
[10m] The Apostolic Signatura judges procedures of a court with this name that acts as the Roman curia’s ordinary appellate tribunal. This prefix names a genus of wheel-shaped dsRNA viruses that cause juvenile diarrhea.
ANSWER: rota [accept Rotavirus; accept Roman Rota, Sacra Rota, Rotae Romanae, Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota, or Tribunal Apostolicum Rotae Romanae]
[10h] Pope Francis affirmed this two-word phrase from the 1975 text Persona humana as a description of homosexuality. MobiDB annotates proteins described by this phrase, which have high conformational flexibility.
ANSWER: intrinsically disordered [or intrinsecamente disordinati; accept intrinsically disordered proteins or intrinsically unstructured proteins or intrinsic protein disorder; prompt on IDPs by asking “what does that stand for?”]
<Other Academic>