With Michael Barnett, this scholar created a framework for analyzing international agencies as norm-setting bureaucracies in Rules for the World. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this scholar who, with Kathryn Sikkink, argued that norms undergo a “life cycle” of emergence, cascade, and internalization while structuring international relations.
ANSWER: Martha Finnemore
[10e] Finnemore holds that IR is best analyzed in terms of this process, whereby convention and beliefs, and not objective reality, create categories like “gender.”
ANSWER: social construction [or word forms of socially constructed; accept IR constructivism]
[10m] “Anarchy is What States Make of It” argues that this phrase, which denotes the context of how states apply intimidation, is socially constructed. These are the last two words in the title of a 2001 John Mearsheimer book.
ANSWER: power politics [or Machtpolitik; accept great power politics or The Tragedy of Great Power Politics] (“Anarchy is What States Make of It” is by Alexander Wendt.)
<Social Science>