Kristen Hawkes bolstered this hypothesis with evidence that its focal people boost group fitness among the Hadza by focusing on provisioning. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this controversial hypothesis to explain a human life history stage. It argues that menopause had evolutionary benefits by raising investment in “alloparenting,” or supporting others’ children.
ANSWER: grandmother hypothesis
[10h] This feminist primatologist argued that humans are allomothering (“allo-mothering”) “cooperative breeders.” This author of Mother and Others critiqued evolutionary theory’s neglect of female agency in The Woman That Never Evolved.
ANSWER: Sarah Blaffer Hrdy (“HUR-dee”)
[10e] Hrdy (“HUR-dee”) rejects the idea that this field “worked against women.” Hrdy’s teacher, E. O. Wilson, pre-fixed “socio-” to this field to name a “new synthesis” of evolutionary and social sciences.
ANSWER: biology [or biological sciences; accept sociobiology; prompt on bio] (Wilson also coined the term “alloparenting”)
<Social Science>