Phrixus makes this object after a thanksgiving sacrifice for his miraculous escape from the clutches of his wicked stepmother Ino. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this auspicious object that hangs from a tree in Colchis until Medea helps to steal it.
ANSWER: golden fleece [or khrysómallon déras; or golden pelt or equivalent translations]
[10h] In an early parallel to the fleece myth, this son of a storm god has a disappearance-and-return narrative that ends with a description of the kurša, a fleece sack that hangs from the king’s eyan tree.
ANSWER: Telipinu
[10m] The Hittite kurša has also been compared to this object that Homer describes as a goatskin with the epithet thussanóessan (“thussano-essan”), or “tasselled.” Zeus uses this object to distract Triton’s daughter Pallas, who is impaled and dies.
ANSWER: aegis [prompt on shield]