Mabel Dove serialized a Shaw parody in this present-day country, whose people are likened to the Greeks in J. E. Casely Hayford’s speculative novel Ethiopia Unbound. For 10 points each:
[10m] What country’s Western Echo published A. Native’s pseudonymous novel Marita? Kobina Sekyi’s 1915 play The Blinkards satirized its “Euro-Africans,” as did the later novels Changes: A Love Story and Our Sister Killjoy.
ANSWER: Ghana [or Republic of Ghana; accept Gold Coast or Cape Coast; reject “Cape Colony”] (Mabel Dove Danquah wrote The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for Mr Shaw. The later author is Ama Ata Aidoo.)
[10e] This author, who moved to Ghana to create an Encyclopedia Africana, theorized the “problem of the color line” and “double consciousness.”
ANSWER: W. E. B. Du Bois [or William Edward Burghardt Du Bois]
[10h] One of these people titles a Du Bois novel in which Matthew and Kautilya conceive a “messiah.” “African” examples of these people title Fatima Massaquoi’s autobiography and Joseph J. Walters’s 1891 novel Guanya Pau.
ANSWER: princesses [accept Dark Princess; accept Guayna Pau: A Story of an African Princess; accept The Autobiography of an African Princess]
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