Microcrystallizations of this ideology operate in family life according to a Felix Guattari paper titled “Everybody Wants to Be” a proponent of it. For 10 points each:
[10e] Michel Foucault called Anti-Oedipus an “introduction” to a life without what ideology? The manifesto of a party named for this ideology was written by Giovanni Gentile (“jen-TEE-lay”).
ANSWER: fascism [or fascist or fascismo or fascista; accept “Everybody Wants to be a Fascist”; accept non-fascist life; accept National Fascist Party or Partito Nazionale Fascista]
[10m] Alain Badiou’s “The Fascism of the Potato” is an attack on this concept of Deleuze and Guattari’s. “Decalcomania” is among the features of these non-hierarchical networks theorized in A Thousand Plateaus.
ANSWER: rhizomes
[10h] Anti-Oedipus contrasts fascist “biunivocalizing” with the “polyvocal” tendency of these people, whose “-ology” titles another book by the authors. These people name Rosi Braidotti’s theory of fluid subjectivity.
ANSWER: nomads [accept nomadism or nomadisme; accept Nomadology: The War Machine; accept nomadic theory]