A paper analyzes adverbial modifications to these things with the sentence “Jones did it slowly, deliberately, in the bathroom, with a knife, at midnight.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Donald Davidson explored the semantics of what things in “The Logical Form of Action Sentences”? He proposed anomalous monism in a paper titled for their “mental” type.
ANSWER: events [accept “Mental Events”; accept Davidsonian event semantics] (In the example sentence, Jones is buttering a piece of toast.)
[10e] Davidson’s analysis binds events with this quantifier. This quantifier denotes “there is at least one,” in contrast to the universal quantifier.
ANSWER: existential quantifier [or existence quantifier; or backwards E; accept “there exists” or word forms of existence]
[10h] Neo-Davidsonian event semantics uses thematic roles like these receivers of an action, such as Caesar in “Brutus stabbed Caesar.” The distinction between agents and these figures is also popular in ethics thanks to its usage by Tom Regan in The Case for Animal Rights.
ANSWER: patients [accept agent–patient distinction or grammatical patients; accept moral patients or moral patiency or moral patienthood; prompt on themes]