Cabbeling (“kuh-BELL-ing”) is the puzzling process in which two regions of water combine to form water with a higher value for this quantity than that of either original region. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this intensive quantity that is maximized for water at four degrees Celsius. It does not change along an isopycnic (“iso-picnic”) surface.
ANSWER: density [or mass density; or word forms of dense]
[10h] The stability of density stratification in lakes is analyzed using this quantity that, in general, represents the oscillation frequency of a perturbed fluid parcel within a stably stratified body.
ANSWER: Brunt–Väisälä (“VAY-sah-lah”) frequency [or BV frequency; accept buoyancy frequency; prompt on stability frequency]
[10m] Sonar signals reflect off of these vertically-thin regions because water density changes rapidly in them. In a stratified lake, one of these transition zones separates a wind-mixed upper layer and a deep layer.
ANSWER: thermoclines (“thermo-clynes”) [or metalimnions or metalimnia; prompt on thermal layers; prompt on clines]
<Other Science>