Since the development of accelerator mass spectrometry, these species have been the standard tool for surface exposure dating. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these species produced in the atmosphere and in minerals on the Earth’s surface by the interaction of nuclei with cosmic rays.
ANSWER: cosmogenic radionuclides [or cosmogenic radioactive nuclides or cosmogenic radioisotopes or cosmogenic radioactive isotopes; prompt on radionuclides, radioactive nuclides, radioisotopes, or radioactive isotopes]
[10e] This isotope, beryllium-10, aluminum-26, and chlorine-36 are the most common cosmogenic nuclides used in geological research. This isotope’s half-life of about 5,730 years is used to date organic material.
ANSWER: carbon-14 [or 14C; prompt on radiocarbon dating]
[10m] Surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides can be applied to depositional landforms such as these cone-shaped accumulations of sediment that form as water exits a narrow canyon into a basin.
ANSWER: alluvial fans [accept debris-flow fans; accept fluvial fans or distributive fluvial systems; prompt on fans]
<Other Science>