Octahedral carbonyls are particularly labile when in this position relative to ligands that are neither pi accepting nor sigma donating. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this configuration adopted by the ammine (“AH-mean”) ligands on carboplatin, making it more stable.
ANSWER: cis [accept cis effect; prompt on Z or zusammen]
[10e] This pericyclic reaction preserves stereochemistry, so adding cis substituents to either the dienes or dienophiles will form syn cyclohexenes.
ANSWER: Diels–Alder reaction
[10h] Ronald Breslow reported that this solvent greatly accelerates the Diels–Alder reaction and shifts it further towards endo products. Lanthanide triflates can be used as dienophile activators in this solvent.
ANSWER: water [or H2O; accept water-compatible Lewis acids]