Regions with this property can be profiled with micrococcal nuclease or ATAC-seq (“attack-seek”). For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this structural property necessarily held by sites hypersensitive to DNase I. Regions with and without this property alternate within territories along the nuclear lamina.
ANSWER: chromatin accessibility [or word forms of accessible; accept open, free, loosely coiled, loosely packed, or exposed; accept, but DO NOT REVEAL, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing; reject “euchromatin”]
[10m] ATAC-seq uses these enzymes to simultaneously cleave and tag accessible DNA sequences. These enzymes, which are related to integrases, naturally have very low activity that is increased by mutating their DDE motif.
ANSWER: transposases
[10e] To capture information about chromosomal conformation, Hi-C and other 3C methods must first cleave them with one of these highly specific endonucleases. EcoRI (“eco-R-one”) is an example of these enzymes that leaves sticky ends.
ANSWER: restriction enzymes [or restriction endonucleases]